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About me
Documents regarding my thesis.
Sampling based Path planning algorithms suffer for optimality and convergence issues. Algorithms like RRT, Informed RRT etc. are said to asymptotically optimal; i.e. the algorithm converges to optimal solution as the number of samples tend to infinity. But there is no proper gaurentee given about the rate of convergence. To improve the rate of convergence, algorithms like BIT* perform heuristically guided search to converge faster towards optimalitily.
During the pandemic, I was at home without any access to any physical robots. It was the perfect time to put into practise the concepts of Robotics that I learnt in the summer. I got quite intriguied by Autonomous drones. My greatest inspirations came after watching this video on Deep Drone Racing by the Robotics and Perception group at UZH and a bunch of really cool work by the Autonomous Robots Lab at NTNU. Taking inspiration, I wanted to try out working with Indoor Navigation of Autonomous Drones.
Path planning is one of the most important primitives for autonomous mobile robots. The ability to be able to travel on its own by finding a collision free, optimal path is an important aspect of making robots autonomous. Path, as the name suggests is a set of waypoints which a Robot is expected to travel. There can be many criterions for deciding a path that the Robot should follow. Various optimisations, checks are made before deciding an optimial path.
Scogin, Shana, Johannes Karreth, Andreas Beger, and Rob Williams. 2019. "BayesPostEst: An R Package to Generate Postestimation Quantities for Bayesian MCMC Estimation." Journal of Open Source Software 4(42): 1722. doi:10.21105/joss.01722
Oswald, Christian, Melanie Sauter, Sigrid Weber, and Rob Williams.* 2020. "Under the Roof of Rebels: Civilian Targeting After Territorial Takeover in Sierra Leone." International Studies Quarterly 64(2): 295–305. doi:10.1093/isq/sqaa009
Williams, Rob, Daniel J. Gustafson, Stephen E. Gent, and Mark J.C. Crescenzi. 2021. "A Latent Variable Approach to Measuring and Explaining Peace Agreement Strength." Political Science Research and Methods 9(1): 89-105. doi:10.1017/psrm.2019.23
Williams, Rob. 2021. "Turning the Lights on to Keep Them in the Fold: How Governments Preempt Secession Attempts." Conflict management and Peace Science doi:10.1177/07388942211015242